Ron Squibbs

Ron Squibbs

Ronald Squibbs was born in Connecticut in 1962. He began studying the piano with Elizabeth Mason Ginnel (a descendent of Lowell Mason) at the age of eight. Further piano studies were with Richard Gregor at the Westport School of Music and Donald Currier at Yale. He...
F. Gerard Errante

F. Gerard Errante

F. Gerard Errante is a clarinetist of international stature whose performances in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, China, Korea, Japan, Africa, Cuba and the South Pacific have received critical acclaim. A native of New York City, he earned...
János Négyesy and Päivikki Nykter​

János Négyesy and Päivikki Nykter​

János Négyesy and Päivikki Nykter​​ János Négyesy was born in Budapest, Hungary, on September 13, 1938, and died on December 20, 2013. His father was taken by the Nazis to a concentration camp, from where he never returned. He got his first violin at the age of four,...


StyleMind — originally from Atlanta, GA USA — began studying classical piano at age 4. He has leveraged his training to a modern world of synthesized sound. Even before his formal education in music, straight from school, he started a progressive, ambient rock band...
Craig Hultgren

Craig Hultgren

Craig Hultgren — violoncello and e-cello​ Cellist Craig Hultgren remains active in new music, the newly creative arts, and the avant-garde. Leaving Birmingham after more than 30 years as a member of the Alabama Symphony, he now resides outside of Decorah, Iowa as the...